Fresh public web data

A 360° view of companies, professionals, and tech products will enable you to generate actionable business insights and build data-driven products.

records added yearly
data sources
records updated monthly

Our top sources

Professional network data

The largest professional network

Company, employee, and jobs data

  • 1B+ data records
  • Continuous updates
  • Up to 5 years of historical data
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Company, jobs, review, and salary data

  • 189M+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • Over 70 months of historical data
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Company and jobs data

  • 5M+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • Over 60 months of historical data is available
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Company data

  • 8.4M+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • Over 70 months of historical data is available
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Community and repository data

  • 1B+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • Over 70 months of historical data is available
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Company and jobs data

  • 170M+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • Over 40 months of historical data is available
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Docker Hub

Docker Hub

Community and repository data

  • 16M+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • Over 30 months of historical data is available
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Product hunt

Product Hunt

Company data

  • 204K+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • Over 40 months of historical data is available
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Company and technographic data

  • 218K+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • Over 40 months of historical data is available
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Chrome web store

Chrome Web Store

App and extensions data

  • 3M+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • New records added monthly
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Company data

  • 516K+ data records
  • Monthly dataset updates
  • New records added monthly
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Flexible data delivery options

When buying datasets, you can select data formats, delivery methods, and frequency that are convenient for your business.

Flexible data delivery formats

Let us do the hard work for you

Reliable data provider

Convenient and reliable delivery

We offer data in multiple formats, flexible delivery frequency and ensure transparent information about data operations to our clients.

Top quality client support

Exceptional client support

Get the most out of your data with the help of Coresignal's dedicated account managers. We value long-term relationships and strive to provide quick support.

Long expertise

In the market since 2016

Our team includes some of the most experienced web data extraction professionals. The advanced infrastructure they built over the years allows us to expand our datasets daily.