
Professional network data

Leverage our top B2B datasets

Job posting data

Get access to hundreds of millions of jobs

Employee review data

Get data for employee sentiment analysis

Clean dataNEW

Enhanced professional network data

Employee data

Get data on global talent at scale

Funding data

Discover and analyze funding deals

Firmographic data

Unlock a 360° view of millions of companies

Technographic data

Analyze companies’ tech stacks

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competitive analysis

Conduct competitive analysis

  • Research competitor strategies
  • Identify competitors’ strengths and weaknesses
  • Discover growth areas
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Market research companies
Market intelligence software
Sales & Marketing teams

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Web data use cases for competitive analysis

Research competitor strategies

Analyze market trends and identify opportunities for product differentiation and improvement using the insights gained from competitor analysis. Get a clearer picture of the competitive landscape by analyzing firmographic and funding data, employee and product reviews, job postings, and more.

Top data points: active_job_postings, job_listing_location, product_name, product_rating

Detailed competitor analysis with web data

Identify competitors’ strengths and weaknesses

Gain insights into competitors' strategies, strengths, and weaknesses by analyzing company growth trends (historical data), funding data, employee reviews, product ratings, and more. This comprehensive analysis allows for a better understanding of the competitive landscape.

Top data points: headcount, average_tenure, team_composition, revenue,company_pros, company_cons, product_rating, company_rating, active_job_postings

a card showing pros and cons of a company

Discover their growth areas

See what opportunities your competition is betting on by analyzing data such as active job postings, team composition and expansion trends, successful products, and more.


Top data points: headcount, last_round_money_raised, last_round_type,active_job_postings, job_listing_location, employees, product_rating

Top source for company information

AI-enriched data

The data you’re getting is not only clean, but also supplemented with additional data not available in the raw version of our datasets. Clean dataset contains 20+ additional data fields. Some of these data fields are created or enriched with the help of LLM technology.

Choose how you want to get the data

Get the data via data APIs

Database APIs

Search, filter, and enrich with direct access to a large-scale database.

Freshly scraped raw datasets

Raw data

Leverage raw data for unique business insights on scale.

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Clean and enriched datasets

Clean data

Get cleaned and enriched datasets in JSONL, Parquet, or CSV.

  • AI-enriched data fields
  • Unified values
  • Easily digestible datasets
  • Multiple data formats
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Need data for competitive analysis?

expert image

Ugnius Zasimauskas

Data Strategy Consultant

Quotation mark

Neglecting to validate your data is a trajectory towards eventual failure. Similarly, limiting your evaluation to a single dataset without benchmarking it against others fails to provide insights into its quality or deficiencies. Without such comparative analysis, discerning the adequacy or inadequacy of your dataset remains unattainable.

Get in touch with our data consultants and we'll help you pick the best data solution.

expert image

Ugnius Zasimauskas

Data Strategy Consultant

Quotation mark

Neglecting to validate your data is a trajectory towards eventual failure. Similarly, limiting your evaluation to a single dataset without benchmarking it against others fails to provide insights into its quality or deficiencies. Without such comparative analysis, discerning the adequacy or inadequacy of your dataset remains unattainable.


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