Boost your business with rich datasets

Find candidates for job openings, discover new investment opportunities, generate qualified leads, build your own data-driven products, and more.

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data records
data records updated monthly

Discover our data sources & datasets

GlassdoorAngellistGithubIndeedDocker HubProduct huntStackshareOwler
Professional network data

Largest professional network

1B+ fresh company, employee and job records.

  • Group companies by filters
  • Track talent movement
  • Build recruitment platforms
  • Identify expansion potential
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Company data

Company data

Aggregated, AI-enriched company data, 300+ data points.

  • Build sales technology tools
  • Find investment opportunities
  • Assess risks
  • Analyze the market
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Employee dataset

Employee data

718M fresh employee records from 4 sources.

  • Track talent movement
  • Find new employees
  • Develop lists of candidates
  • Build recruitment platforms
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Job posting data

Job posting data

437M job posting data records from 6 sources.

  • Identify expansion potential
  • See teams’ growth
  • Measure candidate demand
  • Generate job market insights
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Startup data

Startup data

Constantly updated and expanded dataset

  • Streamline deal sourcing
  • Discover the next unicorn
  • Find founders with startup experience
  • Track founders’ performance
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Employee review data

Employee reviews

33M fresh review data records from 2 sources.

  • Check company’s culture
  • Discover employee sentiment
  • Ensure investment opportunities
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Funding data

Funding data

17.4M fresh company funding records from 5 sources.

  • Identify newly funded companies
  • Check funding rounds/amounts
  • See the number of investors
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Technographic data

Technographic data

3.5M fresh technographic records from 3 sources.

  • Discover up-and-coming tools
  • Identify business opportunities
  • Examine tech stacks
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Tech product review data

Product reviews

182M fresh product review records from 4 sources.

  • Discover unique product features
  • Identify successful products
  • Uncover user sentiment
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Developer community and repository data

Community & repository data

1B+ fresh developer community records from 4 sources.

  • Hire top tech talent
  • Find fastest growing software companies
  • Get largest tech communities data
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Contact us

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Flexible data delivery options

When buying datasets, you can select data formats, delivery methods, and frequency that are convenient for your business.

Flexible data delivery formats

Let us do the hard work for you

Reliable data provider

Convenient and reliable delivery

We offer data in multiple formats, flexible delivery frequency and ensure transparent information about data operations to our clients.

Top quality client support

Exceptional client support

Get the most out of your data with the help of Coresignal's dedicated account managers. We value long-term relationships and strive to provide quick support.

Long expertise

In the market since 2016

Our team includes some of the most experienced web data extraction professionals. The advanced infrastructure they built over the years allows us to expand our datasets daily.

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