Data transparency and privacy

Our goal is to be transparent about our data privacy practices and help you make informed decisions about sharing your information with us or obtaining information from us. We care about personal data protection, security and are committed to complying with applicable data privacy laws and regulations.

On this page, you will learn about Coresignal's web data collection principles, privacy-related practices, and our company's approach to privacy-associated matters. Should you have specific data privacy-related concerns, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Data transparency and privacy

What data does Coresignal collect?

data we don't collect

Data we don’t collect:

  • Private data about individuals: any information that is not publicly available and remains private upon the decision of the individual;
  • Sensitive data about individuals even if it is publicly available. This includes information like social security numbers, home addresses, telephone numbers, geolocation data, biometric data or photos of individuals.
Data we collect

Data we collect:

  • Publicly available, strictly business-related data that has been published or released by companies or individuals themselves online.

Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative

Coresignal is a proud founding member of the Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative (EWDCI). Here's what EWDCI does:

  • Advocates for responsible web data collection and use of personal data
  • Educates and guides the industry on the use of ethical resources and tools used in web data collection
  • Fosters consumer confidence in data collection through transparency and accountability
  • Enables commercial innovation and promotes online safety

Also, Coresignal has received a certificate for aligning with the ethical standards demanded by the EWDCI.

Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative
Contact us

Data protection awareness & training

We strive to ensure our employees are well informed about personal data protection and the latest developments in privacy regulations. We are supported by legal counsels, who regularly conduct data protection training sessions for our employees to ensure they stay updated. Additionally, we implemented an online privacy training module that is mandatory for all new employees and is repeated regularly.

Data protection awareness & training
Cyber security insurance

Cyber security insurance

By possessing cyber security insurance, our business can better protect ourselves, our stakeholders, and our customers from the devastating effects of cyber threats.

It helps us identify and mitigate cyber risks and comply with regulatory requirements, including such regulations as GDPR and CCPA, that require businesses to have adequate data protection measures in place and build customer trust.