
Professional network data

Leverage our top B2B datasets

Job posting data

Get access to hundreds of millions of jobs

Employee review data

Get data for employee sentiment analysis

Clean dataNEW

Enhanced professional network data

Employee data

Get data on global talent at scale

Funding data

Discover and analyze funding deals

Firmographic data

Unlock a 360° view of millions of companies

Technographic data

Analyze companies’ tech stacks

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Data APIs
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multi source api

Multi-source API: the single source of truth for company data

  • Get data from multiple sources for unmatched richness
  • Easily retrieve only the records you care about
  • Search for free, pay only for what you need
  • Access 84M total records across 7 sources
Multi-source API
7 total data sources
fast delivery
Immediate data delivery
Simple use and integration

Get the full picture with rich company data

Multi-source API from Coresignal unlocks data retrieval and enrichment for a 360° company overview. Be sure to have reliable access to high-quality raw business data that is continuously updated and refreshed by our dedicated data operations team. Utilize the power of multiple business sources in one single API.

tall corporate buildings

Quality and quantity

With Multi-source API, you no longer need to choose between quality and quantity. Easily filter and retrieve records from our database of 84M continuously updated and verified company records across seven popular business sources. Thanks to multiple sources, you can enhance your analysis by comparing records on selected companies and choosing data points that make the most sense in your specific case.

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Try Multi-source API with a free trial

After evaluating your request we will grant you a certain amount of free credits which you can use to retrieve the needed records.

Multi-source API use cases

three filters

Complete company picture

With our data, you can see the complete picture of a company: size, industry, age, location, employee ratings, headcount growth, job openings, tech stack, website traffic, online presence, and more.


Company news and updates

Don't miss out on any news or updates published by the company. Keep track of any changes, new product releases, minor and major product updates, new partnerships, funding, and more.

company people

Company hiring tendencies

See the gender diversity in a company and the categories of people that they hire. Gather insights into the company's top work-related priorities, field dispersion, and enable data-driven decisions.

Take advantage of data from multiple sources

Enhance your company analytics and business decisions by using our Multi-source API to find company data from 7 different sources. If you would like to check our full data offering, click the button below.

Firmographic data

  • Company name
  • Headcount
  • Location
  • Type
  • Size

Additional data

  • Social media presence
  • Hiring tendencies
  • Employee ratings
  • Online traffic
  • Tech stack

How to use Multi-source API?


Filter data

Query our search endpoint by entering the company domain and find matching records from multiple sources.


Retrieve records

Retrieve only useful and relevant records. Search is free and you will only use your credits by making a query to the collection endpoint.


Perform analysis

By comparing the results across all seven sources, gather accurate insights into companies you are interested in.

Why Coresignal?

continuous updates

In the market since 2016

Our team includes some of the most experienced web data extraction professionals.

accurate records

Clean and accurate records

Coresignal strives to provide you with fresh and accurate data from high-quality sources.

account managers

Dedicated account managers

Get the most out of your data with Coresignal's dedicated account managers.

data enrichment

Raw, in-depth datasets

Coresignal's raw datasets include 754M member and 106M company profiles.

delivery box

Reliable and convenient delivery

Regularly updated datasets are delivered in ready-to-use formats for your convenience.

json file

Parsed, ready-to-use data

Boost your data-driven insights with parsed, ready-to-use data delivered in multiple formats.


Unlock new opportunities with Coresignal.

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