Company data providers

Compare the solutions, data quality, and extra features of the top data providers.

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Top 4 company data providers

Data statistics
  • 718M+ Employee profiles
  • 102M+ Company profiles
  • 4137M+ Job posting records
  • 543M+ records (companies & profiles)
  • No job postings data
  • 60.3M+ Companies
  • 3.2B+ Members
  • No job postings data
  • 500M+ People data records
  • 45M+ Company records
  • No job postings data
Profile discovery18M+ new records discovered monthly UnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecified
Delivery frequency
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • On a custom basis
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
    • Hourly
    Monthly updates685M+ updates a month*UnspecifiedUnspecified170M+ updates a month
    Consistent data structureYesYesUnspecifiedUnspecified
    Data formats
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • Parquet
    • Other (upon request)
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • ndJSON
    • Excel
      • JSON
      • JSON
      • CSV
      • PostgresSQL
      Delivery methods
      • Via Coresignal API
      • Google Cloud storage
      • Azure
      • AWS S3
      • Direct download
      • Via Bright Data API
      • Webhook
      • Google Cloud storage
      • S3 bucket
      • SFTP
      • Azure
      • Snowflake
      • AWS
      • AWS S3
      • Snowflake
      • API
      • Direct download
      • Via Mixrank API
      • Cloud storage
      • PostgreSQL databases
      • Hosted Mixrank database
      • Direct download
      AI-enriched data
      Database APIs
      Dedicated managers
      In line with GDPR/CCPA
      Data record qualificationData is refreshed based on specific priorities related to the record's business valueUnspecifiedUnspecifiedData is refreshed on demand
      Data statistics
      Profile discovery
      Enriched datasets
      Delivery frequency
      Monthly updates
      Consistent data structure
      Data formats
      Delivery methods
      AI enriched data
      Database APIs
      Dedicated managers
      In line with GDPR/CCPA
      Data record qualification

      The comparison provided herein is based on public data available as of May 3, 2024. All users should verify the current status of products, services, or offerings before relying on any comparative information.

      Ready for testing?

      Submit an inquiry briefly describing your use case and what resources would help you evaluate our data.

      Data strategy consultant Indre Zabulyte
      Indre Zabulyte
      Data Strategy Consultant

      Investing in data without the opportunity to evaluate a sample is akin to committing to a purchase without the chance to assess its quality. It’s analogous to agreeing to acquire a product before having the opportunity to evaluate its efficacy. Be wary of providers who insist on payment without allowing a basic test.

      Coresignal's data solutions



      Leverage extensive datasets for unique business insights.

      Learn more
      Database API

      Database API

      Search and enrich with direct access to a large-scale database.

      How to choose a reliable data provider?

      Usually, data quality is evaluated based on factors such as accuracy, completeness, uniformity, and freshness. However, in our experience, there are a few other things to check to ensure you're selecting a reliable data vendor:

      Coverage and freshness

      The number of data records and location represent the technical capabilities of the data vendor, but data freshness is just as important as coverage. If the data provider can keep the data fresh at all times, that also reflects how reliable the provider is. Professional providers allow you to see the last update date of each record.

      Refreshing data in a systematic way that brings the most value to the clients requires a lot of experience and capabilities. Refreshing data based on specific priorities and a sophisticated profile qualification logic requires a team that can develop the needed infrastructure and processes to collect and refresh the data this way.

      Prompt and transparent communication

      Being able to get all the relevant information about data quality, fill rates, data structure, and features mentioned above prior to purchasing data solutions also shows that the data provider is transparent and can be trusted. At Coresignal, we provide information about all these metrics to our potential clients, and we can guarantee stable data delivery and consistent data structure.

      Test first

      Lastly, it’s essential to test and see if the data you’re getting from the provider meets your business needs and expectations. We encourage you to share what information is needed for you to evaluate our data and we are ready to provide the resources that would be most helpful in testing our datasets or other data solutions.

      Frequently asked questions

      What is a company data provider?

      Company data providers, also known as business data providers, offer datasets that contain information on firms. It includes company name, size, location, industry, and other significant data points. Quite often, these providers also offer employee and job postings data.

      What can you do with a company database?

      There are a number of things you can do with a company database. First, you can use it to find new investment opportunities. Also, you can analyze your competitors or map businesses that are in relevant locations.

      What are the key things to check when choosing a company data vendor?

      First, you should check the dataset size. You might not find what you need if it's just a few million. No less important is the data freshness. Make sure it's updated at least once a month.

      Finally, you should choose a reputable data vendor. Checking its score can be a good start.

      What are the best company data vendors in 2024?

      The best business data providers are Coresignal and Bright Data. They have big datasets, a good reputation, and a consistent data structure.