


Organizations companies database

Access leading Organizations companies instantly with our powerful self-service tool. Find the most accurate and up-to-date data and unlock new opportunities with a relevant Organizations company list. Perfect for investors, HR, marketers, analysts, and researchers.

Industry Database


Organizations companies




data points

Look for Organizations companies by location

Filter our database by region or country and get a list of companies for lead enrichment, talent sourcing, or competitive analysis. Pick a country below, and let's get started.



(13091 companies)


(73 companies)


(8 companies)

Marshall Islands

(29 companies)


(9 companies)


(8 companies)

New Zealand

(1948 companies)


(10 companies)

Papua New Guinea

(128 companies)


(6 companies)

Solomon Islands

(12 companies)


(2 companies)


(19 companies)


(75 companies)

Wallis and Futuna

(4 companies)





Analyze Organizations market with accurate data about Organizations companies

Improve your decision-making process and boost results with surgically precise public web data that brings in revenue, reduces effort, and saves time.

Make use of our high-quality database and:

  • Explore which countries would be perfect for expanding your business
  • Run Organizations industry analysis and track your competitor's every move in any location
  • Follow the buying intent signals and unlock new markets
  • Qualify and validate the marketing leads from every territory
  • Source talent and track employment signals across industries and companies

We comprehensively record recent changes and historical trends from millions of Organizationscompanies worldwide.

You could turn this data into a clear-cut competitive advantage.

What to expect from Coresignal Organizations companies database?

You need to know three things about the database: it's fresh, mapped, and optimized. Want to ensure the data is right for your upcoming project?

Less data engineering needed

The dataset file size is optimized for faster download.

Continuous updates

All data records are fully refreshed every month.

Mapped company data

Data from multiple sources is linked and combined into one dataset.

Frequently asked questions

How to find all Organizations companies?

One way to do it would be checking business directories and platforms, professional network sites, company registries, or collecting data by googling the most popular companies in the industry. However, this process would be very resource-intensive.

If you choose to get lists about Organizations companies from Coresignal, you will receive a comprehensive database that includes all the key data points that will help you to make an informed decision. On go to the “Find data” section and choose the “Companies” tab. Then, select the “Industry” filter and choose the industries that interest you.

Where to get Organizations companies funding information?

Funding data about companies in your industry might become a key that helps to identify great investment opportunities, flag potential clients, and track your competitor’s movements. You can collect funding information from multiple publicly available sources or buy mapped data from a professional public data vendor, such as Coresignal.

How to find Organizations companies by country?

Once you go to , you should go to the “Find data” section, pick the “Companies” tab, and choose the "country" filter. Pick one or more countries that interest you, and once you do it, press the "Add filter" button. Choose the "Industry" filter and select as many industries as you need for your use case. After you set your filters, run the query by pressing the "Search" button.

How to find Organizations companies to invest in?

The easiest way to find promising companies and track their progress is to use a data vendor that can provide information from multiple sources. Coresignal's company dataset has 35 million global companies with 300+ mapped and enriched data points. Review a data sample by visiting the platform.