Coresignal vs People Data Labs

See how Coresignal compares to People Data Labs in 15 criteria.

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Company profiles



Multi-source company profiles36M+Unspecified
Employee profiles



Job postings495M+Unspecified
Consistent data structureYesUnspecified
Data formats
  • JSON
  • CSV
  • Parquet
  • Other (upon request)
    • JSON
    Delivery methods
    • Via Coresignal API
    • Google Cloud storage
    • Azure
    • AWS S3
    • Direct download
    • AWS S3
    • Snowflake
    • API
    • Direct download
    AI-enriched data
    In line with GDPR/CCPA
    Dedicated managers

    Data freshness

    Profile discovery18M+ new records discovered monthly Unspecified
    Delivery frequency
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    Monthly updates636M+ records checked for updates monthlyUnspecified
    Data record qualificationData is refreshed based on specific priorities related to the record's business valueUnspecified

    Need more information?

    Let's arrange a time for a quick call and discuss your use case.

    Justas Gratulevicius
    Data Strategy Consultant

    Coresignal's data solutions

    How to select a reliable data provider?

    The number of data records and locations represent the technical capabilities of the data vendor. However, data freshness is just as important. Refreshing data in a systematic way that brings the most value to the clients requires and experienced team that can develop the necessary infrastructure and processes.


    A reliable data provider will give you all the relevant information about data quality, fill rates, data structure, and features mentioned above before and after you purchase. At Coresignal, clients are supported by dedicated account managers and get prompt technical support.

    Resources for testing

    It's essential to test and see if the data you’re getting from the provider meets your business needs and expectations. We encourage you to share what information is needed to properly evaluate our datasets or APIs.

    Frequently asked questions

    What are the main People Data Labs competitors?

    The main People Data Labs (PDL) competitors are Coresignal, Proxycurl and Mixrank. Out of these companies, PDL can provide the most employee profiles, Coresignal offers the largest company profile database and multi-source company data with 300+ enriched data points, while Mixrank has the most jobs postings.

    How is Coresignal and People Data Labs data different?

    To start off, Coresignal has more company profiles, while People Data Labs offers way more employee records. However, Coresignal distinguishes itself with 495M+ job posting records.

    When it comes to new records, Coresignal discovers 18M+ new records, but People Data Labs has yet to specify this number.

    Finally, Coresignal is ready to deliver data in JSON, CSV, Parquet, and other formats. In the meantime, People Data Labs are still offering just JSON.

    How do companies use people and company data?

    There are quite a few ways that businesses use company and people data. 

    Company data helps investors make educated decisions and provides unique business insights to C-level managers. Its data points include company name, location, headcount, size, and more. At the same time, company data could be used for market research, lead enrichment, or competitive analysis. 

    Company data providers such as Coresignal or People Data Labs provide global company databases that unlock new opportunities for investment companies, salespeople, and market researchers.

    Employee data helps HR experts with talent sourcing, data enrichment, and tracking talent movement. It comes with data points such as location, job title, education title, and experience.

    You can learn more about different datasets.

    Why switch from People Data Labs to Coresignal? 

    Coresignal offers a larger company dataset than People Data Labs. On top of that, Coresignal provides an enriched multi-source company data offering, which includes 300+ unique data points. This is one of the most comprehensive offerings in the market, unlocking new opportunities for sales leads enrichment and investment analysis.