Coresignal vs Explorium

See how Coresignal compares to Explorium in 13 criteria.

Already have your mind made up?
Data statistics
  • 731M+ Employee profiles
  • 110M+ Company profiles
  • 36M+ Multi-source Company profiles
  • 495M+ Job posting records
  • 190M Company records
Number of sources20Unspecified
Data freshness636M+ records checked for updates monthlyUnspecified
Delivery frequencyDaily, weekly, monthly, quarterlyUnspecified
Data formats
  • JSON
  • Parquet
  • CSV
  • Other (upon request)
  • CSV
Delivery methods
  • Via Coresignal API
  • Google Cloud storage
  • AWS S3
  • Azure
  • Direct download
  • Google BigQuery
  • AWS S3
  • Snowflake
  • Via Explorium API
  • Azure
  • MySQL
  • SFTP
  • Postgres
  • Teradata
  • SalesForce
Database APIs
Offers free API credits
In-line with GDPR/CCPA
Profile qualification
AI-enriched data
Historical dataYes (5+ years)Unspecified

The comparison provided herein is based on public data available as of Nov 19, 2024. All users should verify the current status of products, services, or offerings before relying on any comparative information.

Need more information?

Let's arrange a time for a quick call and discuss your use case.

Justas Gratulevicius
Data Strategy Consultant

Coresignal's data solutions

How to select a reliable data provider?

The number of data records and locations represent the technical capabilities of the data vendor. However, data freshness is just as important. Refreshing data in a systematic way that brings the most value to the clients requires and experienced team that can develop the necessary infrastructure and processes.


A reliable data provider will give you all the relevant information about data quality, fill rates, data structure, and features mentioned above before and after you purchase. At Coresignal, clients are supported by dedicated account managers and get prompt technical support.

Resources for testing

It's essential to test and see if the data you’re getting from the provider meets your business needs and expectations. We encourage you to share what information is needed to properly evaluate our datasets or APIs.