Compare top company data providers
Coresignal offers a wide range of high-quality data. Let's examine how Coresignal compares to other popular company data providers.
Company profiles | 110M+ | 583M+ (companies & profiles) | 66.8M+ | 45M+ |
Multi-source company profiles | 36M+ | Unspecified | Unspecified | Unspecified |
Employee profiles | 731M+ | 583M+ (companies & profiles) | 3.1B+ | 700M+ |
Job postings | 495M+ | Quantity is unspecified | Unspecified | 1B+ |
Consistent data structure | Yes | Yes | Unspecified | Unspecified |
Data formats |
Delivery methods |
AI-enriched data | Unspecified | Unspecified | Unspecified | |
In line with GDPR/CCPA | ||||
Dedicated managers | ||||
Documentation |
Data freshness
Profile discovery | 18M+ new records discovered monthly | Unspecified | Unspecified | Unspecified |
Delivery frequency |
Monthly updates | 1B+ updates/month | Unspecified | Unspecified |
API solutions
Employee data API | ||||
Company data API | ||||
Jobs data API | Unspecified | Unspecified | ||
Free trial | Unspecified | |||
Data change webhooks | Unspecified | Unspecified | ||
Elasticsearch | Unspecified | Unspecified |
The comparison provided herein is based on public data available as of Nov 19, 2024. All users should verify the current status of products, services, or offerings before relying on any comparative information.
Need more information?
Let's arrange a time for a quick call and discuss your use case.
Coresignal's data solutions
Build innovative solutions using comprehensive company data or leverage it for in-depth analysis and unique business insights. Request a data sample or explore on your own using the self-service platform.
Database API
Search and enrich whenever needed with direct access to a large-scale database. After trying APIs with free credits, select from multiple subscription plans suitable for businesses of any size.
How to choose a reliable data provider?
Usually, data quality is evaluated based on factors such as accuracy, completeness, uniformity, and freshness. However, in our experience, there are a few other things to check to ensure you're selecting a reliable data vendor:
Quality and freshness
The number of data records and location represent the technical capabilities of the data vendor, but data freshness is just as important as coverage. If the data provider can keep the data fresh at all times, that also reflects how reliable the provider is. Professional providers allow you to see the last update date of each record.
Prompt and transparent communication
Being able to get all the relevant information about data quality, fill rates, data structure, and features mentioned above prior to purchasing data solutions also shows that the data provider is transparent and can be trusted. At Coresignal, we provide information about all these metrics to our potential clients, and we can guarantee stable data delivery and consistent data structure.
Secure and responsible data collection
Experienced and reliable data providers are committed to ethical collection of public web data and prioritize data security. Before making a decision, evaluate if the data provider is transparent about its data privacy practices, which will help you make an informed decision.
Test first
Lastly, it’s essential to test and see if the data you’re getting from the provider meets your business needs and expectations. We encourage you to share what information is needed for you to evaluate our data and we are ready to provide the resources that would be most helpful in testing our datasets or other data solutions.
About Coresignal
Coresignal is a public web data provider that delivers fresh data to global companies in investment, sales technology, HR technology, research, and other industries. Founded in 2016, the company now has 500+ clients and 70+ employees.
In 2023, Coresignal was named the top data provider by Datarade and became a founding member of the Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative, an organization promoting ethical data collection.