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Change Tracking Made Easy: Webhooks for Job Position Change Alerts


Updated on Oct 10, 2024
Published on Oct 10, 2024

Our Employee API webhooks feature is getting an upgrade. You can now track specific changes in employee profiles focusing on their job position changes.

This allows you to receive real-time updates when employee data records you’re interested in change. For example, someone leaves or starts a new job.

As a result, you can get even more relevant and timely data, which enables you to take immediate action.

How it works

Webhooks require you to create a subscription by querying new subscription endpoints and using any of the three input options to define relevant records:

  1. List of profile IDs
  2. Elasticsearch DSL query
  3. Track all experience changes

You will get notifications when any of the following changes happens:

  1. A new position (experience) is created, but no previous experience is closed;
  2. A previous position is closed, but no new experience is created;
  3. A previous position is closed, and a new one is created;
  4. Multiple positions are closed or opened.

Once set, the subscription will start sending event-based change notifications (HTTP POST requests) to a specified callback URL on a regular basis. Here’s how it works:

  1. Select the preferred input to get notified about relevant profiles
  2. Provide a callback URL to receive notifications
  3. Receive notifications to a specified URL
  4. Collect relevant data records with the latest data using the data collection endpoint

Why should you use webhooks to identify job position changes?

Besides helping you maintain the most accurate employee data, this feature opens the opportunity to extract unique and highly valuable insights. Keeping track of the news with real-time notifications also allows you to improve decision-making and operational efficiency as there is no need to regularly check for changes.

This feature is available to users of higher-tier API plans. To get access, get in touch with our sales team or your account manager.