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Introducing Multi-Source Company Data: A New Standard for Comprehensive Web Data


Updated on Jun 05, 2024
Published on Jun 05, 2024
Multi-source company data hero

Key takeaways

  • We are launching a new multi-source, cleaned, AI-enriched company dataset 
  • The dataset contains 35M+ companies with multiple identifiers
  • Every record in the dataset contains data points from various data collections, ranging from firmographics to growth insights, financials, technographics, and much more
  • Get data in JSONL, CSV, or Parquet format

We are excited to announce the launch of our latest innovation, multi-source company data. This new flagship data product represents a significant leap forward in how we deliver web data, introducing, for the first time, a multi-source, cleaned, and AI-enriched dataset. We’re starting with company data aggregated from multiple public web sources into a single, comprehensive, and cohesive dataset.

What is multi-source company data?

Multi-source company data is a dataset that aggregates information from various leading business platforms and additional sources to create detailed and comprehensive profiles for over 35 million companies. Each company profile in the dataset includes multiple identifiers, facilitating easier handling and integration.

The dataset includes more than 300 data points and can be delivered to clients in JSONL, CSV, or Parquet format.

Here’s a broad overview of the data collections in this dataset:

  • Main company information (firmographics)
  • Growth insights based on historical data
  • Online presence and reviews
  • Financials and funding
  • Technographics and products
  • And more

How do we process the data in this dataset?

The multi-source company dataset is processed in a few key steps:

  1. Filtering. Our core dataset is filtered to remove empty or low-value records.
  2. Cleaning. Standardizing date formats and removing HTML tags, among other actions, makes the dataset more readable, consistent, and ready to work with.
  3. Enrichment. We add additional fields using proprietary methods, including a specially instructed large language model (LLM) that allows us to extract more accurate company descriptions, categories, and keywords.
  4. Mapping. We map the cleaned data to additional sources and unify everything into a single output.

Key advantages

  1. Reduced dataset size. By aggregating and refining data from multiple sources, we significantly reduce the size of the dataset you need to work with. This means faster data processing and easier data management.
  2. Save data engineering resources. We take care of time-intensive data collection and processing steps on behalf of clients which means saving valuable data engineering resources. Handling all the nuances of data cleaning means your data engineers can focus on strategic tasks rather than routine data processing.
  3. Shorter time to value. Removing low-value records and simplifying the data structure with only relevant and cleaned fields means our clients will have more time to work on extracting value from data instead of solving the challenges that raw data sometimes presents.
  4. Enhanced data quality. Our extensive process for this dataset, including cleaning, aggregation, and the added value from enrichment, eliminates redundancies and ensures that the data is comprehensive and of high quality.
  5. Insights from historical data. For this dataset, we also aggregate historical data, marking percentage changes over time in certain company metrics that signal growth trends, such as headcount, social followers, active job posting count, and reviews. Such granular data is not easily accessible through any of our other data products.

Who will benefit?

This dataset is ideal for businesses that require a holistic view of companies from the perspective of web data. It is especially useful in the contexts of investment intelligence, market research, competitive analysis, lead generation, data enrichment, and more. 

Impact on existing products

Multi-source company data offers a more efficient and cost-effective alternative for our clients currently purchasing separate datasets from individual sources. By transitioning to this aggregated dataset, you will experience streamlined workflows without sacrificing the depth and breadth of information.


We hope that the launch of multi-source company data will become a significant milestone in the world of B2B web data and set a new standard for data value and utility. 

For more information about the dataset, contact our sales team today.