Private equity data for investment

  • Monitor market trends
  • Find companies ready for investment
  • Evaluate portfolio performance

Used by:

Private equity firms
Venture capital firms
Asset managers
updates and discovery
data sources
data records
with self-service tool

Private equity database use cases

Find companies to invest in

Discover stable, scaling companies through hiring trends and low turnover, pinpoint thriving sectors using firmographics, and track job postings for signs of innovation. Benchmark key metrics like funding, employee skills, and market presence to uncover which companies could be your next targets.

Top data points: company_size_range, industry, company_specialties, hq_country, similar_ companies, funding_rounds and more.

Identify investment risks and opportunities with quality company data

Evaluate private equity portfolio performance

Analyze job postings and market activity to uncover expansion strategies or potential red flags. Benchmark companies against competitors using workforce and market data, monitor public sentiment and brand reputation to identify risks and opportunities not visible from internal data.

Top data points: similar profiles, revenue, followers, product_reviews_score, income_statements and more.

database enrichment

Analyze industries and markets trends

Leverage net-new company data to identify emerging players and uncover high-growth regions. Analyze job postings to track shifts in industry focus and innovation, providing unique insights to pinpoint strategic opportunities in the private equity market. Compare the volume of companies and hiring activity within specific industries or geographies to spot oversaturated or underdeveloped markets.

Top data points:
industry, competitors, similarity_score, rank_category, num_investors and more.

Conduct in-depth target market analysis with web data

Choose how you want to get the data

All-in-one company dataset for private equity analysis

Power your product or analysis with multi-source data on 36M+ unique companies. The unmatched level of detail in every record, over 300 data points, allows you to extract unique insights and gain a panoramic understanding of businesses worldwide. This multi-source dataset also contains additional data fields with insights powered by AI and years of historical data.

Company data features

Need private equity data?

Get in touch with our data consultants and we'll help you pick the best data solution.

Justas Gratulevicius
Data Strategy Consultant

Finding the right companies faster gives private equity investors a competitive edge. Coresignal's data reveals early growth signals, helping you uncover high-potential businesses before others do.