Data Privacy and Transparency Hub

On this page, you will learn about Coresignal's web data collection principles, privacy-related practices, and our company's approach to privacy-associated matters.

We seek to be transparent about our data privacy practices and help our partners and data subjects make informed decisions. We are committed to the ethical collection of public web data, and prioritizing personal data protection and security.

If you have specific data privacy-related concerns, let’s get in touch:

Secure data collection

Certified by Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative

Coresignal is a founding member of the Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative (EWDCI), an organization that advocates for responsible web data collection and protection of personal data.

Coresignal has undergone an accreditation process to confirm that we follow the four core principles of ethical web data collection: legality, ethics, ecosystem engagement, and social responsibility.

These principles guide Coresignal through every step of data collection – from the data we gather to the partnerships we form with our clients.



We only collect publicly available data that companies and individuals disclose to the general public to facilitate their business and profession-related interests. We strive to ensure our employees are well-informed about personal data protection and the latest developments in privacy regulations. We are supported by legal counsels, who provide expert advice on a range of complex legal matters, including privacy.



We follow a strict ethical framework, including ethical principles related to websites, customers, proxies, and data.


Ecosystem engagement

We are in a symbiotic relationship with the free and open Internet ecosystem and strive to engage it collaboratively in an open and communicative manner.


Social responsibility

We pledge to support and collaborate with civil society and governmental organizations for societal benefit.

What data does Coresignal collect?

data we don't collect

Data we don’t collect:

  • Private data about individuals: any information that is not publicly available and remains private upon the decision of the individual;
  • Sensitive data about individuals, even if it is publicly available. This includes information like social security numbers, home addresses, telephone numbers, geolocation data, biometric data, or photos of individuals.
  • Material non-public information (MNPI) that is not publicly accessible or is located within secured login areas.
Data we collect

Data we collect:

  • Publicly available, strictly business-related data that has been published or released by companies or individuals themselves online.

Information for individuals

This section provides information for individuals about their personal information. Privacy regulations vary by jurisdiction and provide definitions of personal data and relevant exemptions.

For instance, California and some other US state privacy laws exclude publicly available information from the category of personal data. However, here, at Coresignal, we maintain robust internal procedures to ensure the effective enforcement of individuals' data protection rights and are dedicated to handling data subject requests with the utmost diligence.

Privacy Policy

It is important for us to be transparent with individuals. Therefore our Privacy Policy describes how Coresignal collects, uses, discloses, and stores personal information and what statutory rights individuals have under applicable data protection laws.

Rights concerning personal information

Following data protection regulations, individuals are entitled to specific rights, such as the right to access, rectify, erase, or restrict the processing of their data, subject to conditions, limitations, and exceptions established by statutory data protection provisions.

Coresignal collects exclusively publicly available data from publicly available online sources. The collected data may include limited business-related information about individual professionals who disclose their data to the general public.

Data policies

We have multiple documented policies in place and update them regularly to ensure data security, business continuity, and privacy.

PolicyHow often it’s reviewed?
Comprehensive Information Security Plan (“CISP”)Annually
Cyber Security Incident Response PlanAnnually
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)Annually
Privacy policyOn-demand

Errors & Omissions and Cyber Security Insurance

Our insurance guarantees that our business can better protect our stakeholders and customers from cyber threats. It helps us identify and mitigate cyber risks and comply with regulatory requirements, including those in the data privacy and commercial-contractual field, that require businesses to have adequate data protection measures, ensure liability obligations, and build customer trust.

Data protection

We strive to ensure our employees are well-informed about personal data protection and the latest developments in privacy regulations. We are supported by legal counsels, who regularly conduct data protection training sessions for our employees to ensure they stay updated. 

To enhance data security, we also:

  • Have mandatory cyber security and online privacy training modules
  • Have daily/weekly backups of essential documents
  • Follow other standard data security practices
Improve hiring process

Frequently asked questions

About data collection
About procedures

Would you like to ask us a question?

If you want to discuss our data transparency, security, or privacy policies, please email us at [email protected]