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Tech product review data

Chrome Web Store Reviews

Use extensive tech product reviews data, updated on demand.

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Company data

Chrome Web Store Companies

Get the firmographic data of companies that develop Chrome Web Store products.

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Data Points Example Values
Name VeryGoodApp
Rating 4.8
Review count 31
Users count 50,000
Related extensions AnEvenBetterApp
Size 342kB
Last updated May 10, 2022
Version 2.0.2
  "id": "chromestore_company_mygoodmind-%E2%80%94-an-extension-for/nmgcedasffdhjpjefhgcpocffdlibknajbmj",
  "source_id": "mygoodmind-%E2%80%94-an-extension-for/nmgcefdhasffsajpjefhgcpocffdlibknajbmj",
  "url": "",
  "name": "mygoodmind-%E2%80%94-an-extension-for",
  "website_url": "",
  "logo_url": "",
  "category": "",
  "rating": 4.8,
  "review_count": 31,
  "users_count": 50000,
  "overview": {
    "main_image": "",
    "description": "Overview\nAdd images, bookmarks, notes, quotes or text highlights to your new mind.\nVisual Bookmarking for a better mind. helps you think for yourself, and think more clearly.\n\nThis extension will make visual bookmarking even easier.\n\n— Mark text, right-click and save it to your mind.\n— Right-Click images on the web, and save them to your mind\n— Save any website, article etc. with just a single click.\n\n*Requires an account.\n\n**NEW** UPDATE\n\nFIXED: With the last update we unfortunately introduced a few bugs which should be now fixed with this version. We also re-worked the browser permission the extension needs in order to function. The extension will never send anything to our servers unless you specifically save something to your own mind. And then it is for your eyes only.\n\n🆕 When saving a duplicate, no more error message. The extension now tells you if something has been saved already and you can add additional tags.\n\n🆕 MIND NOTES! If you hover the extension, you can now add a mind note directly via the extension to something you've saved.\n\n🆕 We added a little indicator for you to see how much time you have left until the extension will close. This indicator will automatically get triggered once the extension is out of focus.\n\n🆕 Lots of performance updates and minor bug fixes.\nRead more\nRead less\nOverview\nAdd images, bookmarks, notes, quotes or text highlights to your new mind.\nVisual Bookmarking for a better mind. helps you think for yourself, and think more clearly.\n\nThis extension will make visual bookmarking even easier.\n\n— Mark text, right-click and save it to your mind.\n— Right-Click images on the web, and save them to your mind\n— Save any website, article etc. with just a single click.\n\n*Requires an account.\n\n**NEW** UPDATE\n\nFIXED: With the last update we unfortunately introduced a few bugs which should be now fixed with this version. We also re-worked the browser permission the extension needs in order to function. The extension will never send anything to our servers unless you specifically save something to your own mind. And then it is for your eyes only.\n\n🆕 When saving a duplicate, no more error message. The extension now tells you if something has been saved already and you can add additional tags.\n\n🆕 MIND NOTES! If you hover the extension, you can now add a mind note directly via the extension to something you've saved.\n\n🆕 We added a little indicator for you to see how much time you have left until the extension will close. This indicator will automatically get triggered once the extension is out of focus.\n\n🆕 Lots of performance updates and minor bug fixes.\nRead more\nRead less",
    "version": "2.0.2",
    "last_updated": "May 10, 2022",
    "size": "363KiB",
    "languages_count": null,
    "developer_email": "[email protected]"
  "privacy_practices": {
    "text": "Privacy practices\nmygoodmind — An extension for your mind has disclosed the following information regarding the collection and usage of your data. More detailed information can be found in the developer's privacy policy.\nmygoodmind — An extension for your mind collects the following:\nWebsite content\nFor example: text, images, sounds, videos, or hyperlinks\nThis developer declares that your data is:\nNot being sold to third parties, outside of the \n approved use cases \nNot being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality\nNot being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes"
  "reviews": [
      "author": "John Doe",
      "date": "Apr 14, 2023",
      "rating": 5,
      "text": "Just simply the best"
      "author": "Jane Doe",
      "date": "Mar 4, 2023",
      "rating": 5,
      "text": "This is a beautiful extension for a beautiful tool that evolves everyday it only gets better and better. I have ADHD and this just works with the way my brain structures and takes in information. I just love everything about mygoodmind."
      "author": "Jane Doe",
      "date": "Nov 9, 2022",
      "rating": 5,
      "text": "This extension is UNBELIEVABLE! Best tool for content management I have ever used. Even after a couple of weeks it has already replaced several other applications I have been using. The more I learn about the functionality the better it gets. Thank you for creating it!!!"
      "author": "John Doe",
      "date": "May 29, 2022",
      "rating": 5,
      "text": "It's interesting that it has very little reviews, but contrary to that, it's amazing!"
      "author": "John Doe",
      "date": "Nov 21, 2021",
      "rating": 4,
      "text": "It is turned off recently and asking for new permission to read and change data on all Instagram sites, Can you kindly clarify?"
      "author": "John Doe",
      "date": "May 19, 2022",
      "rating": null,
      "text": "Hey John, I'm not the developer but I do work on other browser extensions. The \"read and change\" all permission request can be jarring, but it's actually a functional requirement for many browser extensions to be able to do their job (in this case, mygoodmind needs to interact with the host page, and so it is indeed a requirement). Hope that helps."
      "author": "Jane Doe",
      "date": "Apr 1, 2021",
      "rating": 5,
      "text": "Revolutionary."
      "author": "John Doe",
      "date": "Mar 10, 2021",
      "rating": 5,
      "text": "Fantastic tool for content management."
      "author": "John Doe",
      "date": "Mar 8, 2021",
      "rating": 5,
      "text": "Does exactly what it's supposed to. Mygoodmind is my fav."
      "author": "John Doe",
      "date": "Oct 14, 2020",
      "rating": 5,
      "text": "This is probably my new favorite app/extension in the last decade. There's only a few that impact life positively (Daylion & Fittbit being among them) and I can sense, this will be one of those. I've been looking for something like this since a long time, but nobody made it (right). Thank you for bringing this to the world."
  "related_extensions": [
      "name": "ai-app-v1",
      "review_count": 634,
      "rating": 4.1,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v2",
      "review_count": 58,
      "rating": 4.7,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v3",
      "review_count": 3,
      "rating": 0.0,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v4",
      "review_count": 139,
      "rating": 4.6,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v5",
      "review_count": 16,
      "rating": 4.3,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v6",
      "review_count": 23,
      "rating": 4.1,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v7",
      "review_count": 10,
      "rating": 4.7,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v8",
      "review_count": 28,
      "rating": 3.6,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v9",
      "review_count": 11,
      "rating": 4.9,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v10",
      "review_count": 13,
      "rating": 4.5,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v11",
      "review_count": 33,
      "rating": 4.7,
      "url": ""
      "name": "ai-app-v12",
      "review_count": 12,
      "rating": 4.7,
      "url": ""

What is Chrome Web Store data?

Chrome Web Store data contains user reviews, ratings, descriptions, screenshots, developer information, updates, number of users, and related extensions or apps.

This is the same data you would get scraping Chrome Web Store yourself, only structured into a complete dataset.

Unique Chrome Web Store dataset features


Global coverage

Our Chrome Web Store dataset contains reviews and company records from all over the world for a well-rounded coverage.

Data freshness

Fresh data

All of our Chrome Web Store data records are updated on demand basis.

New records

New Chrome Web Store records are added frequently.

Why are datasets better than scrapers?

Simple to use
Stable deliver and formats
Historic changes
Data collection and expertise required
Real-time data
*if going for large volumes of data

Identify trending apps and extensions

Chrome Web Store data helps you notice emerging trends among the popular and top-rated apps and extensions.

By analyzing download numbers, user ratings, and reviews, you can spot patterns, rising demand for specific types of apps, and potential investment opportunities.

trending apps

Conduct competitive analysis

You can analyze competitors’ strengths and weaknesses by examining user feedback and rating trends.

Comprehending the market's competitive landscape allows you to make informed decisions on whether to invest in a particular app or wait for a better opportunity.

Company growth insights

Identify user engagement

User reviews, ratings, and the number of downloads are crucial metrics for assessing user engagement. High engagement levels often indicate a widespread and potentially profitable app.

Understanding these metrics helps you evaluate the app’s monetization potential and the likelihood of achieving a significant return on investment.

Why do 500+ companies choose Coresignal?

Data freshness

Always fresh datasets

At Coresignal, the datasets are always fresh. That’s why you don’t need to bother with scrapers anymore.

Top quality client support

Dedicated account managers

Our dedicated account managers will always be there to help you navigate the data world.

Responsible data collection

Responsible data collection

We believe in ethical data collection. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about data compliance issues.

Flexible data formats

Data at scale

Our extensive data coverage will cover all your data-related needs.

Stable service

Stable service

We take care of all data collection issues. All you need to do is use it.

Reliable data provider

Reliable and convenient delivery

We deliver data in JSON, CSV, and HTML. Choose what’s best for you.

Frequently asked questions

What are the dataset prices?

Pricing depends on the amount of data you need and its complexity. To get a quote, contact our sales team.

How often is your data updated?
  • Chrome Web Store Companies and Reviews data is refreshed every month
  • We add 13K+ new companies each month
  • We continuously scrape Chrome Web Store data and add new records to the dataset
Do you have an API to your datasets?

Yes, but not for Chrome Web Store data specifically. We invite you to check our Company API, Employee API, and Jobs API.

Can I get a data sample?

Yes, you can learn how to do that in our documentation.

Can you combine several datasets?

Yes, you can combine several datasets to generate more advanced insights. For example, all three professional network datasets can be used together for data-driven investment, growth tracking, and market research. For more information, feel free to contact us.