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Introducing no-code company data enrichment


Updated on Aug 06, 2024
Published on Aug 06, 2024
company data enrichment

Key takeaways

  • We are launching a new no-code data enrichment tool
  • The new feature allows you to enrich data with just a few clicks
  • Key company details are provided to you in seconds
  • You get data in CSV format

Company data enrichment just got easier. A new feature, now available on our self-service platform, allows you to enrich CSV files with just a few clicks.

Enrich company data is a new feature available to all users with a Coresignal account. It lets you get key information about specific companies using emails or domains as identifiers. It is a convenient option if you want to enrich data quickly or lack the resources that working with large amounts of data and JSON files might require.

Key benefits

  • No need for coding, easy-to-use interface
  • Key information about companies whenever needed
  • Simple CSV format allows you to jump straight to analysis
  • Access to regularly updated data

How does it work?

To enrich data, simply upload a CSV file with up to 1,000 rows containing identifiers of companies you’re interested in. We will scan your file, identify how many records in our database match your identifiers, and return an enriched CSV file. Here’s a step-by-step guide to how it works:

  • You upload a CSV file with up to 1,000 rows of business emails or domains (there is a sample file that you can download first);
  • We scan and map your file. If there’s more than 1 column containing company identifiers, you will need to select which one you’d like to use;
  • After you submit the final file, we will show a summary of your enrichment request: how many rows were scanned, how many we can enrich based on identifiers you provided, and how many credits it will cost;
  • After your confirmation, the enriched CSV file will be available for download.

What data will I get?

The enriched data will contain a column with your identifiers and six new data fields:

  • Name
  • Headquarters location
  • Company size
  • Employee count
  • Industry
  • Company profile URL

Please note that using the API directly (without the automated Enrich company data feature) is better if you need company records with more data fields. The API returns full company data records in JSON format.


One enriched record costs one Collect credit. The Enrich company data feature is connected to our API, so you can access it with our credit-based API subscription plans or by signing up for the free trial. All new users get 200 free credits for testing for 14 days.

The subscription plans start at $49/month.

How to access the new feature

If you already have a Coresignal account, to access this feature, you will simply need to sign in, Enrich company data feature will be available in the menu on the left. If you don’t, sign up and free credits will be automatically added to your account.

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