Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics (hereafter “the Code”) outlines the ethical principles and standards that guide the actions of Core Signal and its employees. It communicates to all stakeholders the ethical and responsible behavior Core Signal upholds in its operations, as well as the conduct expected from its partners and clients.
The standards outlined in this Code are mandatory for all Core Signal employees. The company takes proactive measures to ensure compliance, demonstrating its commitment to lawful and ethical business practices. Core Signal conducts its business with integrity, adhering to both the letter and spirit of the law, as well as established business standards.
Core Ethical Values
Upholding ethical standards and transparency in all business activities, prioritizing what is right over personal advantage.
Maintaining candor and clarity when sharing information, insights, and procedures. A culture of truth enables employees to address challenges openly, fostering strong internal and customer relationships.
Valuing every individual—employee, client, customer, or stakeholder—regardless of their background, role, or opinions. Respect involves appreciating each person’s unique contributions toward achieving organizational goals.
Building positive relationships through honesty, mutual respect, and psychological safety. Trust fosters a secure and engaging work environment, enhancing employee retention and satisfaction.
Promoting an atmosphere where ideas, opinions, and information can be shared freely without fear of judgment. This environment encourages innovation and creativity.
Recognizing and respecting diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives. Commitment to diversity ensures equal opportunities for everyone and embraces different work styles and learning approaches.
Demonstrating accountability by taking ownership of one’s actions and decisions while considering their implications. Responsibility reflects maturity and independence.
Guiding Principles
Fair Treatment of Employees
Respect for human rights. We affirm our adherence to democratic principles and commit to upholding rights established under international legal acts, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct. Our commitment to respecting human rights is reflected in our words, actions, and the solutions we propose, all of which aim to create a just a equitable work environment. We prioritize fairness, mutual respect, and the protection of individual dignity in all aspects of our operations, setting a standard for others to follow.
Commitment to non-discrimination. We actively promote diversity within our workforce and stand firmly against all forms of discrimination, whether based on age, gender, race, nationality, language, social background, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, disability ethnicity, or any other characteristic. Harassment, violence humiliation, and bullying are strictly prohibited in any for an will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Equal employment and fair compensation. We ensure that equal employment opportunities and working conditions are provided to all employees, focusing solely on the nature of their professional duties. This commitment extends to all aspects of employment, including the criteria used for terminating employment relationships. We guarantee fair compensation based on job functions, work quality, and professional skills, ensuring that equal work receives equal pay. Consistent and uniform criteria are applied when evaluating employee performance.
Coresignal adheres to international standards like the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The company actively promotes diversity and prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment. Employees are evaluated based on professional performance, ensuring fairness in compensation and employment conditions.
Commitment to Health and Safety
Coresignal prioritizes a safe working environment by implementing modern safety practices, supporting mental health, and ensuring all employees are well-trained in safety protocols. Unsafe or inappropriate behavior, including substance abuse, is strictly prohibited.
Personal Data Protection
Coresignal handles personal data responsibly, adhering to legal requirements and maintaining strict confidentiality. Employees are trained to protect data and ensure compliance with privacy standards.
Responsible Data Collection
Data collection is limited to publicly available sources, adhering to industry standards. Coresignal ensures ethical handling of all collected information and maintains confidentiality agreements with vendors.
Confidential Information Protection
Confidential information is safeguarded rigorously. Employees are trained to recognize and protect sensitive data, seeking clarification when needed.
Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest
Employees must avoid activities that conflict with Coresignal’s interests and report any potential conflicts transparently.
Zero Tolerance for Corruption
Coresignal has a strict zero-tolerance policy for corruption. Employees are prohibited from offering or accepting gifts or incentives that could influence decision-making.
Commitment to Information Security
Coresignal integrates robust security measures to protect sensitive information and prevent cyber threats. Employees are trained to follow security protocols diligently.
Partner Selection
Coresignal collaborates only with partners who align with its core values and ethical standards. Partners must operate legally, transparently, and without engaging in corruption.
Commitment to Fair Competition
The company adheres to laws promoting fair competition, avoiding unethical practices like price fixing or information manipulation.
Commitment to Exceptional Customer Relationships
Coresignal prioritizes customer satisfaction by fostering transparent and professional interactions. Feedback is actively sought and promptly addressed.
Commitment to Transparency and Regulatory Compliance
Coresignal ensures timely and accurate reporting to regulatory authorities and cooperates fully with inspections. Any discrepancies are promptly resolved to prevent recurrence.
Commitment to Shareholder Value Creation
The company strives to create long-term value for shareholders through sustainable business practices and transparent financial reporting.
Dedication to Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
Coresignal employs energy-efficient tools, promotes sustainable mobility, and engages in eco-initiatives to minimize environmental impact.
Reporting Violations
All employees bear responsibility for adhering to the provisions of the Code. If there is a belief that anyone within the business line is violating the law or this Code, it must be reported to the designated responsible person, communicated proactively through designated communication channel Whistleblower Hotline on the Coresignal website or via email at [email protected]. Individuals who report violations in good faith are afforded protection. Reporting a suspected violation of the Code will not lead to negative consequences for the employee. Each report is treated seriously and fairly and is processed promptly. If the analysis of the situation indicated the need, appropriate corrective action will be implemented.